How to Changing the Time Duration in Adobe After Effect


Adobe After Effects is a strong tool for making beautiful motion graphics but mastering time is the key to getting your animations to life. In this article, we will dive into the art of changing composition duration in the After Effects.

Step 1:

Start by open the Composition, Double-click on the composition name in the Project panel to bring it into the Composition panel.

Step 2: 

In top menu select Composition -> Composition Settings. This opens the Composition Settings dialog box.

Step 3:

In the Composition Settings dialog, locate the Duration field. This is where you can redefine the length of your composition. Enter your desired duration. To maintain the existing pace of your animation, ensure that the "Preserve Frame Rate" option is selected.

Step 4:

Click OK to apply the changes and close the Composition Settings dialog box.


Adjusting composition duration in Adobe After Effects is a fundamental skill for any motion graphics artist or video editor. It get you to control the flow and pacing of your animations, ensuring that your visual storytelling is as impactful as possible.

Happy Learning

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