How to Make a Circle Button in Unity


Following these steps, you'll create a circular button in Unity for your game or application.

1- Create a Canvas: Start by adding a Canvas to your Unity scene, providing a space for UI elements.

2- Add a Button: Inside the Canvas, add a Button element. This automatically creates a rectangular button.

3- Resize the Button: In the Inspector, adjust the width and height of the button to make it circular. For a perfect circle, set both dimensions to the same value.

4- Choose a Circular Image: Select the button's Image component and choose a circular sprite or image as the source. Unity often provides a "Knob" option representing a circular shape.

5- Preserve Aspect Ratio: Enable "Preserve Aspect" to maintain the circular shape even if you resize the image later.

6- Test and Modify (Optional): Test your circular button. If needed, further customization can be done, such as adding text or interaction scripts.

Happy coding

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