In Unity Editor, you can change the color of a Button when it's interactable and non-interactable by adjusting its colors through the Unity Inspector. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the Button GameObject
Select the Button: In the Unity Editor, click on the Button GameObject.
Step 2: Adjust the Colors in the Inspector
1- Button Component: In the Inspector panel, find the Button component.
2- Colors Section: The Button component has a section called "Colors". This section contains properties for different states of the button: Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, Selected, and Disabled.
- Normal Color: This is the color of the button when it's in its default state.
- Highlighted Color: This is the color of the button when the mouse hovers over it.
- Pressed Color: This is the color of the button when it's being clicked.
- Selected Color: This is the color of the button when it's selected (this might not be applicable for all cases).
- Disabled Color: This is the color of the button when it's non-interactable.
3- Changing Colors:
- Click on the color box next to each state (e.g., Normal Color, Highlighted Color, etc.).
- A color picker will appear. You can either pick a color from the palette or enter specific RGB values.
- Once you've chosen the desired color, the button will change its color accordingly when in that state.
Step 3: Set Interactable Property
Interactable Property: Directly above the "Colors" section, you'll find the "Interactable" checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, the button is interactable. If it's unchecked, the button is non-interactable.
Step 4: Preview in the Scene View
Scene View: You can switch to the Scene View to see how your button looks in different states by selecting the GameObject and observing its appearance based on the defined colors.
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