How to Change Button Color Based on Interactivity in Unity


In Unity Editor, you can change the color of a Button when it's interactable and non-interactable by adjusting its colors through the Unity Inspector. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Select the Button GameObject

Select the Button: In the Unity Editor, click on the Button GameObject.

Step 2: Adjust the Colors in the Inspector

1- Button Component: In the Inspector panel, find the Button component.

2- Colors Section: The Button component has a section called "Colors". This section contains properties for different states of the button: Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, Selected, and Disabled.

    • Normal Color: This is the color of the button when it's in its default state.
    • Highlighted Color: This is the color of the button when the mouse hovers over it.
    • Pressed Color: This is the color of the button when it's being clicked.
    • Selected Color: This is the color of the button when it's selected (this might not be applicable for all cases).
    • Disabled Color: This is the color of the button when it's non-interactable.

3- Changing Colors:

    • Click on the color box next to each state (e.g., Normal Color, Highlighted Color, etc.).
    • A color picker will appear. You can either pick a color from the palette or enter specific RGB values.
    • Once you've chosen the desired color, the button will change its color accordingly when in that state.

Step 3: Set Interactable Property

Interactable Property: Directly above the "Colors" section, you'll find the "Interactable" checkbox. If this checkbox is checked, the button is interactable. If it's unchecked, the button is non-interactable.

Step 4: Preview in the Scene View

Scene View: You can switch to the Scene View to see how your button looks in different states by selecting the GameObject and observing its appearance based on the defined colors.

Happy coding

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