How To add a new font to TextMesh Pro (TMP) in Unity


TextMesh Pro (TMP) is a powerful text rendering solution for Unity that allows developers to create visually appealing and highly customizable text in their games and applications. One of the key features of TMP is the ability to use custom fonts, enabling you to add a unique touch to your text. In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to integrate a new font into TextMesh Pro in Unity.

Step 1: Import the Font Asset

1- Font Asset: First, you need to have a font asset compatible with TextMesh Pro. This should be a font file that you want to use (e.g., .ttf or .otf). Make sure you have the font file ready.

2- Import: In your Unity project, go to the "Window" menu, then "TextMeshPro," and select "Font Asset Creator." This will open the TMP Font Asset Creator window.

3- Font Source: In the Font Asset Creator window:

    • Click the "Open Source Font File" button.
    • Locate and select your font file in the file dialog.
    • Set the desired point size for the font.
    • Click the "Generate Font Atlas" button. TMP will create the font atlas and associated assets.

4- Save Font Asset: After generation is complete, you can save your new TMP font asset by clicking the "Save" button in the Font Asset Creator window. This will save it in your Unity project.

Step 2: Assign the Font to a TextMeshPro Component

1- Select TextMeshPro: In your scene hierarchy, select the TextMeshPro GameObject you want to assign the new font to. If you don't have a TextMeshPro GameObject yet, create one by right-clicking in the hierarchy, selecting "3D Object," and then "Text - TextMeshPro."

2- Font Asset: In the Inspector panel for the TextMeshPro component, you will see a field labeled "Font Asset." Click the small circle icon next to it.

3- Select Font Asset: In the Font Asset selection dialog, navigate to the location in your project where you saved the new TMP font asset. Select it and click the "Select" button.

Step 3: Customize Text Appearance (Optional)

You can further customize the appearance of the text using various properties available in the TextMeshPro component's Inspector panel. You can adjust font size, color, alignment, and many other text-specific settings.

Step 4: Save and Play

Save your scene, and when you run your Unity project, the TextMeshPro component will display the text using the selected font.

That's it! You've successfully added a new font type to a TextMeshPro component in Unity. You can use this method to apply different fonts to different TextMeshPro components in your project.

Happy coding

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