What is a Number Systems

 Number systems are defined representation numbers using digits or other symbols that are understood by computers. These numbers are the most common ones are 0 and 1. It is also a technique to represent numbers in the computer system architecture, every value that you are saving or getting into/from computer memory has a defined number system. The number system is the system of naming numbers. We know that a number is a mathematical value that helps to count or measure objects. There are different types of number systems in Math like decimal number system, binary number system, octal number system, and hexadecimal number system.

The value of any digit in a number can be determined by:

  • The digit
  • Its position in the number
  • The base of the number system

Types of Number Systems

  • Binary number system (Base  2)
  • Octal number system (Base  8)
  • Decimal number system (Base  10)
  • Hexadecimal number system (Base  16)

Binary number system 

The binary is a scheme of numbers that only has two possible values for each digit. 0 and 1. The term also describes any encoding/ decoding system in which there are only two possible states. In digital data storage, memory, communications, or processing the 0 and 1 values are sometimes called "low" and "high" or "On" and "Off". 


Octal number system

The octal number system has only eight (8) digits from 0 to 7. Every number (value) represents 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 in this number system. The base of the octal number system is 8 because it has only 8 digits.

Decimal number system

The number system that we use in our daily life is the decimal number system. The decimal number system has( Base 10 )as it does use ten digits from 0 to 9. In the decimal number system, we use a combination of these ten digits to form all other numbers. The value of a digit in a number depends upon its position in the number. Each place to the left is ten times greater than the place to its right, that is, as we move from the right to the left, the place value increases ten times with each place.

Hexadecimal number system

The hexadecimal number system represents numbers with a base of 16, meaning there are 16 possible values or symbols. The 16 values or symbols are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. The symbols from A to F represent numbers 10 to 15, respectively.

 Finally, We will give a great app that can help you with Number System and Boolean algebra, So Download the "Logic Kit" app on App Store to solve any problem in these subjects.

 Click here to download the app.

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