Best iOS app in boolean algebra

The best iOS app in the Boolean algebra field is the "Logic Kit" app. This app is developed to satisfy all your needs to solve problems in Boolean algebra. The greatest thing about this app is that it can solve problems step-by-step to learn while solving! Let us take a glance at the features of this app:

Work directly with boolean algebra expression

Write your boolean algebra expression, then do what ever you want:
  • Minimize it with boolean algebra laws.
  • Solve it with Karnaugh Map.
  • Show the truth table for it.
  • Get the SoP and PoS for it.
Logic Kit App

Get step-by-step explanation

You get a detailed step-by-step with each solution, whether you are trying to simplify by boolean algebra laws, solve with Karnaugh Map, show truth table, or even if you want to get SoP or PoS.
Logic Kit App

Explore the logic gates circuit

Show circuit with common gates (AND, OR, NOT), NAND gates only, or with NOR gates only.
Logic Kit App

Solve Karnaugh Map

Simplify the boolean expression with Karnaugh Map or directly insert SoP or PoS in Karnaugh Map and get the simplified expression. You can solve Karnaugh Map with 10 variables.
Logic Kit App

Get help with the truth table

Get the truth table from the boolean expression, or directly insert SoP or PoS in the truth table and show the expression, or the circuit.
Logic Kit App

Download the Logic Kit app from the app store:
Logic Kit App


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